Germinating ideas...

Germinating ideas...

The Greenhouse

  • Develop Your Business Like a YouTube Creator

    Douglas | November 4, 2020

    I am obsessed with YouTube lately. YouTube videos from folks I like and follow are now my go-to decompression screen time. As you think about building your business, be more like a YouTube creator and less like a Hollywood producer. Your new idea is a work in progress, getting better every time you release new material.

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  • The Case for Handwriting

    Douglas | October 16, 2020

    Working from home with school-aged children around has its share of challenges. But there’s an upside, too. On occasion, something wonderful crosses my desk.

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  • A Resource We Like: Business Made Simple University

    Douglas | September 25, 2020

    ‘Business Made Simple University’ is a growing collection of online courses and tools for many aspects of running a business, from branding to personal productivity to leadership. The lessons are immediately applicable to your life and business.

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  • A Resource We Like: SaaStr

    Douglas | September 18, 2020

    You know that feeling when you discover a tip or method or cool resource, and you have the urge to share it? We’ll use this space to offer resources that made it through the noise, stuck with us, and we think are worth sharing. Even if you already know all about it...

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