Germinating ideas...

Germinating ideas...

The Greenhouse

The Cost of Delay

Mariah Howard | June 28, 2024

Overcoming Analysis Paralysis & Accelerating Product Decisions

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More budding thoughts /

  • Yes or No to No-Code?

    Douglas Gastich | April 3, 2023

    We live in a golden age of software. These no-code tools are democratizing app development. AI and code generation tools are making traditional software development easier than ever. And chances are there is already a library or integration out there for your particular business need.

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  • Completed Staff Work For the Win

    Douglas | March 16, 2021

    A truly completed task includes handling details that arise, and anticipates the spirit of the request of the manager handing out the task. A good manager balances clarity (does not ask you to read their mind) with flexibility (leaves room for creativity and does not micromanage). The trust is best met with a response of completed staff work.

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  • Solving the Blank Canvas

    Douglas | January 25, 2021

    Amanda Gorman’s recitation at President Biden’s inauguration touched my heart. Her words reinvigorated me and many on the power of hope. And it got me thinking about the creative process and getting projects started.

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  • The best career advice I’ve received, a decade later.

    Douglas | December 11, 2020

    "Ask questions." That was the piece of advice that changed the trajectory of my career. It landed well on my eager brain, and to this day it has guided my approach to business relationships.

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