“Fluid” UI for Precision Pump Manufacturing
Micropump supports the omnichannel through digital transformation of its catalog, distributor portal, and engineer assistance tools.
- Platform
- Go To Market
- Design Sprint
- User Experience
- DevOps
- Manufacturing
When Precision Matters
When you make the most advanced pumps and drives on the planet, you tend to put all your energy and focus into your work. How then, to get the word out and make sure the world knows to take advantage of your innovation?
Micropump partnered with Germinate to redesign, rewrite, and ground-up redevelop the Micropump.com website and portal. We began by working through Business Made Simple’s StoryBrand framework, fundamentally shifting the message from ‘Why Micropump is great’ to ‘How YOU can be great with Micropump’.

Message, Visuals and Technology for the Channel
As we explored the stories of success, the visuals took care of themselves. These little unassuming fluid pumps, it turns out, were everywhere from the printer in your office to the International Space Station. So together we simply told the story, and focused on these pumps’ value to the world.
And the Web presence could help with more than just getting the story out.. We added a new central product database, and a portal custom built for Micropump’s distributors around the world. Today Micropump is managing and improving the site every day, keeping step with the pumps and drives that move the world.
How Germinate Reflowed Micropump’s Digital Presence.
1. Pumps are an often-invisible part of a solution
2. Critical specifications and data hard to parse
3. Distributor and Channel Partners need a wide variety of information to make a purchase
1. Visualize success for a project
2. Offer multiple ways to find and use data
3. Provide next level value for project planning and design specs
1. Storytelling right up front
2. Quick access to applications and use cases
3. Structured data PIM and analysis tools behind the scenes
Optimizing the flow of information with design sprints and storytelling
Story Brand
User Personas