Getty Dubay

Flutter (iOS and Android), Apple Pencil Support

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Handwriting success for real life

Jonathan knew his mother's life's work would make a great app. The Internet agreed. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Jonathan trusted Germinate to deliver a digital version of his mother's beloved handwriting instruction workbook.

Jonathan's mom, Inga Dubay and her partner Barbara Getty, have helped a generation improve their everyday writing with what is called modern italic handwriting - quick like cursive but less formal. With Germinate, Getty-Dubay's "Write Now" program can now help digital natives (and the rest of us) with an instructional app.

Germinate brought the first book of the Write Now program to life with a tablet-and-stylus app available now in the Apple App store and Google Play Store. More editions on the way!

Jonathan recalls his first meeting with Germinate, "From the very beginning, Michael Krol and his team at Germinate approached my app development inquiry with a positive, can-do attitude — the same attitude that produced exactly the app I was hoping for just few months later.”

So, then, how is YOUR handwriting? Try the Getty Dubay app and improve your craft.


From the very beginning,

Michael Krol and his team at Germinate approached my app development inquiry with a positive, can-do attitude — the same attitude that produced exactly the app I was hoping for just few months later.”

/ Jonathan, Getty-Dubay


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